Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The status and the individual

While a person is not the status they play in a society, they are often governed by that status.  While I may have thought about this from a marketing perspective in the past, it never really sunk in until now.

A customer may love a product, but if they occupy a status of comptroller, then that status may dictate that they have a valid reason for purchasing the product, such as the lowest cost, or the most bang for the buck.

One step further when marketing a product:  we not only have to market to the status of comptroller, but we also have to market to the individual who occupies that status.  We may have the best product, the lowest price, the best features, but if the individual doesn’t like the product then the status of comptroller will still not purchase the product regardless of what is best.

Marketing becomes trickier as we attempt to sell to the multiple personalities and statuses that a single individual holds.  We need to become experts not just marketing, but to an extent also experts in pyschology and sociology.