Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Interesting Times

May you live in interesting times

Some say it is a Chinese curse, but whatever it is I prefer to think of it as a life filled with possibilities.  Interesting can encompass so much.  It’s interesting to go on a trip, to learn a new craft, to spend time with friends and so many more things.  It is one of the hardest things I have ever done, to look at a problem as “interesting”.  When faced with a problem it is not always easy at first for me to see the interesting possibilities that reside within it.  All problems come with possibilities and it’s taken me a long time to learn that it is my choices that make the problem “interesting”.  It’s a scary path that I’m looking to take and I’m not sure what I will find along the way, but then again life is not always easy but it should at least be interesting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Heroism: doing something that others are too afraid to do.

What is heroism? Besides all of the cute little sayings, what does heroism mean to YOU. Heroes are not super people. They are not infallible. They make mistakes and sometimes are not very nice people to be around. They may drink too much, sleep in too late, refuse to work, work too much, live in hostile environments, live in easy and social environments. No one needs to be a wonderful person to be a hero. There are times when people become heroes without doing anything other than what they have always done. So what does it take to be a hero? Hero is a title that others label a person with and is not something that can be achieved on one’s own.

Each person defines hero just a little differently. Perhaps your hero is someone who fights in wars, feeds the hunger, stops abuse, or makes it to the top of the corporate ladder. The true definition for hero is – the person you want to be.