Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Interesting Times

May you live in interesting times

Some say it is a Chinese curse, but whatever it is I prefer to think of it as a life filled with possibilities.  Interesting can encompass so much.  It’s interesting to go on a trip, to learn a new craft, to spend time with friends and so many more things.  It is one of the hardest things I have ever done, to look at a problem as “interesting”.  When faced with a problem it is not always easy at first for me to see the interesting possibilities that reside within it.  All problems come with possibilities and it’s taken me a long time to learn that it is my choices that make the problem “interesting”.  It’s a scary path that I’m looking to take and I’m not sure what I will find along the way, but then again life is not always easy but it should at least be interesting.