Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not all repetition is bad

OK.  I admit that I don’t like making training videos.  It can be repetitious, thus boring.  Only one thing saves me from complete boredom and dulling of the senses – none of our competition uses training videos.  In an industry that is saturated and that contains a finite number of customers, a product must have something that it makes it unique, that sets it apart from every other product out there.  In my company’s case it’s our videos that go into the Help file.  These videos provide a benefit to our customers that no other system currently provides.  I say currently because once these become more widely used and known, our competition will jump on the bandwagon and make their own videos.  But by then we’ll have gain a larger market share and will be known for out topnotch training and resources.  I like thinking of our competition eating our dust :~)

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