Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Being Me

I’m slowly coming to the realization that I’m not destined to be a size 8.  It just isn’t going to happen in this lifetime, and maybe not even in the next one.  There are so many other things that I would rather do than obsess about my weight or whether I’m eating only organic food.  So let me introduce myself by telling you who I am besides being overweight.

I’m a person who loves people.  I love animals and being outside.  I love to take photographs of small up-close things like flowers and caterpillars as it reminds me to stop and recognize the beauty in everything around us.  I have 4 kids who drive me to distraction but I’m so proud of them and so happy they have chosen me to be their mother.

I get angry and frustrated sometimes, with myself and with others around me.  I hate politics but I love my country.  I cry and laugh and giggle and sigh.  I love the night but purr like a happy kitten when in the sun.  I love being near and in the water and I dream of someday owning a cabin in the mountains that is not too rugged nor too far away from other people. 

I’m an extravert who still needs her quiet time.  I love to read everything from gushy romance to mysteries to horror to sci-fi.  I’m slowly working on my Bachelor’s degree in Communications because I believe that a lot of issues could be resolved with proper communication.   I have hopes and dreams that someday I will meet my true partner – someone that I can not only love but also respect.

I’m so much more than my outward shell and yet when people see me, who do they really see?  Do they see an overweight, inching towards middle-age woman or do they see a person with hopes and dreams and aspirations?  Do they see someone who encompasses what it means to be a friend or do they see someone who they believe doesn’t care about herself?  

I love me and I’m even coming to understand that I love me just as I am.

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