Friday, August 21, 2009

Where has the summer gone?

Summer has sped by with lightening speed, leaving me feeling that somehow I have missed it. Weeds are taking over the garden and my den still isn't cleaned out. Where has the time gone? As the remaining days of summer dwindle I find myself not excited to heading back to classes - but instead I am looking foward to the chance to learn, experience, and grow. Instead of the child-like wonder that I use to feel toward my chosen field, I now feel a part of my chosen field.

My next classes are 'Global Marketing' and 'Principles and Practices of Selling'. Selling has never held much appeal to me - I find that I tend to be too honest with a customer when it comes to any defects or flaws that a product might have. Instead of saying "Purchasing this software package will make life so much easier for you", I am more likely to say "while there are benefits to this software package, it would be overkill for you right now". Perhaps this class and teach me something about selling. After all, in order to land "THE JOB", I need to be able to sell myself to potential employers.

And perhaps while learning how to sell myself, I can also learn how to sell the kids on the idea of cleaning up the den for me.

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