Saturday, September 12, 2009

Providing a great customer experience every time

It is easy to provide excellent customer service when business has slowed down for the day. With the extra time you are then able to converse with the customer, to connect to them in a more fundamental and person manner, ensuring that they remember the encounter as a good one. What is more difficult, and where many company's fail, is to maintain a standard of excellence while there are high demands being made on their resources. All too often, companies will rush thru a solution or job just to get it done and move on to the next; and customer remember this more than all the times that service was perfect. The old adage is all too true, "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get". Taking just a little extra time with each and every customer, especially when resources are thin, will ensure that every experience a customer has with the company will be a great one.

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