Saturday, October 9, 2010

What are they thinking?

1:21 PM
A company that I am acquainted with recently put out their social policy.  To say that I was horrified by it would be a  rather large understatement. The phrase that immediately came to mind was  "the floggings will continue until morale improves".  In today's society people will talk - would it not be more beneficial to direct that conversation rather than suppress it?  I'm all in agreement about not saying anything about customers while blogging or on a social network site.  That is just simple common sense to most folks I would hope. The part of the policy that really floored me was that they would be using monitoring software to check out what each employee was saying online.. This is a relatively small company and over half of the employees have been there more than a decade.  If these people were saying something other than praise for the company, wouldn't it be a good idea to find out why? After all, a problem can't be fixed if no one even knew that there was a problem, right?

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