Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Body Language

I recently started reading a book called 'Messages: The Communication Skills Book'

One of the exercises it has asked me to do is to look at people, really look at them and see if I can figure out what they are thinking.  We communicate our thoughts and feelings through our body language and facial expressions.

That got me to thinking about how I come to work each day.  Some days I'm happy and cheerful while other days I drag myself in, tired and worn out.  Hmmm, what am I communicating?  I don't believe in what I call the cheerleader syndrome, where I waive my pom pom around as I walk through the door, but what if I kept my head up, a smile on my face, and a cheerful hello for everyone I see?  I may not necessarily feel like being at work at that particular moment, but do I need to broadcast that to the world?  How will it affect my interactions with my boss if I drag myself in or walk in with a smile? 

I don't hate my job - far from it.  I like what I do and I'm darn good at it too.  But there are days where my feet just drag, I'm that tired at times.  I'm not sure how I'll perk up in the mornings as I walk in the door, but I suspect that if I can manage it then my day will go a little smoother.  

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