Monday, March 28, 2011

Being Me

I was reading an article today that talked about how, to gain confidence in ourselves we should find someone who is confident and then model their behavior, their beliefs and their actions.

I don’t believe that to be true.  If I model someone else, then I am not being true to myself – in fact I will no longer be myself and in the end that only leads to dissatisfaction and disillusionment. 

So to gain confidence in myself I had to first find out who I was.  I spent time with myself, learning what I liked and didn’t like, learning how I reacted in various situations and taking some classes to help facilitate my understanding of myself.  I found out quite a bit about myself – my strengths and my weaknesses.  Using this information I am now able to map out those things that I want to change and those things that I want to expand upon.  I can make a plan on how I want to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years.  My next step is to just do it – take some small step towards reaching my goal.  I want to be a better mother, to have a closer relationship with my children, thus I am going to take a break from my schooling in order to spend more time with my children.  All of us love jigsaw puzzles so I’ve picked out one already and we are going to begin this week – putting together the puzzle as we talk about the day’s events.  Just being there with them more will be a good first step in developing a better relationship.

So I’m not going to model someone else’s behaviors, I’m going to strike out on my own and develop my own set of behaviors by which I want to live.  

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