Monday, March 21, 2011

Change is a myth

I’m told that like it or not change is a part of today’s business climate and for those who do not embrace change there is always unemployment.  I say phooey!  What is seen in so many businesses is the exact opposite – no change.  Oh, they may move a department here and a re-assign a person there but that is not change that is making busy work.  But if this is true, then why are there so many people eager to say that the business climate is constantly changing and we all have to jump on board?  I believe it is because what little change there is is not communicated down through the ranks so that even the smallest movement of perceived change is like a huge tidal wave crashing over everyone in the company.  If no one talks to you about how moving you to a different department will benefit the company, then the perceived change is going to be HUGE, even though no real change has occurred.  So instead of a company spinning its wheels and paying a fortune for someone to teach them how to change, why not take the time to teach the employees how change can make a difference?  Once that is accomplished the majority of the company will be willing to jump on the bandwagon of change and instead of a bumpy ride it will be relatively smooth sailing. 

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