Friday, July 1, 2011

The Hassles With Staying Connected

A few days ago my phone took a nose dive into the bathtub as I was giving Daniel his bath. It was one of those Nay life flashed before my eyes" moments as I realized that I was no longer connected. I couldn't call out, couldn't receive calls, couldn't check my email, get on Facebook or anything else that I am so use to doing. How was I going to survive? My daughter assured me that leaving the battery out overnight would fix the problem so I took out the battery and cried myself to sleep. The next morning my phone did indeed work...... sort of. While I could receive calls, I couldn't view the screen so nothing was going out and I couldn't check texts or anything . All morning all I could think about was how I could be missing a REALLY IMPORTANT phone call or some such other unlikely occurrence. Finally at 10:30 that morning I couldn't take it anymore so I took an early lunch and went to my local Verizon store to see about an upgrade. Why do they call it an upgrade when it still cost me$ 150 (after rebate) to replace my phone?

So now I have a new phone which I have to spend time figuring out. For instance, all of my alps didn't download and the phone isn't reading my memory card . But at least I am once again CONNECTED and am even writing this from my phone.

Connected in Ohio signing off.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

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