Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Itchy feet

Ever get that “itching” feeling?  Where nothing is really satisfying anymore and you just wish there was something else that you could do?  I get that feeling from time to time and I never really understood it, just knew that I needed to do something different.  Often I would look to take a business trip, and when I was back in the office the itchy feeling would be gone.  But now I no longer travel and so I’ve got to find a new outlet. The old me is no longer satisfying, so perhaps it’s time to find a new me.  It recently came to my attention that I have a lot of emotional baggage that I didn’t even realize I had.  It’s going to be a large project tackling that baggage and I bet by the end of the journey I’ll be a new me and that itchy feeling will be gone, at least for a time.  It’s a scary path that I’m looking to take and I’m not sure what I will find along the way, but then again life is not always easy but it should at least be interesting. 

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