Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Itchy feet

Ever get that “itching” feeling?  Where nothing is really satisfying anymore and you just wish there was something else that you could do?  I get that feeling from time to time and I never really understood it, just knew that I needed to do something different.  Often I would look to take a business trip, and when I was back in the office the itchy feeling would be gone.  But now I no longer travel and so I’ve got to find a new outlet. The old me is no longer satisfying, so perhaps it’s time to find a new me.  It recently came to my attention that I have a lot of emotional baggage that I didn’t even realize I had.  It’s going to be a large project tackling that baggage and I bet by the end of the journey I’ll be a new me and that itchy feeling will be gone, at least for a time.  It’s a scary path that I’m looking to take and I’m not sure what I will find along the way, but then again life is not always easy but it should at least be interesting. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Does the environment matter?

As I sit at the camp fire I can't help but wonder about the effect the environment has on our communication style. At home my two teenagers bicker and argue constantly, but out here under the star they act almost as a team and seem to be on the same conversational wavelength. And so I wonder why.

Do we communicate differently outside our natural environment? I think we do. How we communicate at home, at work, during play can vary quite a bit. So which is "real"? Or are they all real?

I've learned accepted ways to communicate at work, ways that I would never think to use with friends. And at home I am again a different person, so can these communication styles work in tandem with each other? I think they can, even must work in tandem if we want to be successful in all areas of our lives. Jokes told during play time are not always appropriate at work, and the dictorial attitude I have at home would get me in trouble with friends. Yet each are necessary in their own time and place; so I think the key is to understand that the environment does indeed affect how and why we communicate and to use the appropriate style at the appropriate time.
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Friday, July 1, 2011

The Hassles With Staying Connected

A few days ago my phone took a nose dive into the bathtub as I was giving Daniel his bath. It was one of those Nay life flashed before my eyes" moments as I realized that I was no longer connected. I couldn't call out, couldn't receive calls, couldn't check my email, get on Facebook or anything else that I am so use to doing. How was I going to survive? My daughter assured me that leaving the battery out overnight would fix the problem so I took out the battery and cried myself to sleep. The next morning my phone did indeed work...... sort of. While I could receive calls, I couldn't view the screen so nothing was going out and I couldn't check texts or anything . All morning all I could think about was how I could be missing a REALLY IMPORTANT phone call or some such other unlikely occurrence. Finally at 10:30 that morning I couldn't take it anymore so I took an early lunch and went to my local Verizon store to see about an upgrade. Why do they call it an upgrade when it still cost me$ 150 (after rebate) to replace my phone?

So now I have a new phone which I have to spend time figuring out. For instance, all of my alps didn't download and the phone isn't reading my memory card . But at least I am once again CONNECTED and am even writing this from my phone.

Connected in Ohio signing off.
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