Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Journey

At life's crossroads I stand alone,
Trying to decide which way to go.
Paths that lead to who knows where,
All marked with signs "Danger is there".
Paths that show signs of turmoil and strife,
But also bright patches of sunny light.
Someone suggests I take the right,
The better to avoid the dangerous heights.
Another tells me to take the left,
Says it leads to the better path.
It's up to me which one to choose,
No one can tell me what I might loose.
Nor even if I might gain,
A life that is free from all the pain.
The choice I make will decide for me,
Which lessons life will send to me.
No path is ever free from pain,
No path is entirely sane.
All I can do is struggle through,
And finish this path with fortitude.
If I falter if I stop,
Life's journey will be over and I will be lost.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

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