Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just the Facts

Some people subscribe to the notion that only facts sell, while others subscribe to the emotion that it is the story that sells.  I subscribe to the notion that it is a combination of facts and story. 

I want X to be happy
I need X to be happy

The “I want” is the story and it is something that must be brought out in people in order to make a sale.  But the “I need” is a fact.  People only NEED food, shelter and water.  The rest are simply wants.  But there are many layers of facts in between.  The key is to find a way to turn the “I want” into a fact so that it can be sold as an “I need”.  Thus the car commercials that talks about the high level of safety that their product has, and shows videos of the test dummies driving the car into a wall.  The want becomes the need – because people need to be safe in order to survive.  Or look at the commercials that tell a story of happy kids eating breakfast. It displays both want and need.  Kids need food, but the commercial sells the story of happy kids which completes the sale – parents like happy kids and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that their kids are fed AND happy.

So I propose that both facts and stories are needed in any proposition, even for us.  After all we are constantly attempting to sell ourselves – to our friends (here is why you should be my friend), to employers (here is why you should promote me or give me a raise), even to ourselves (this is why I am successful).  Find the fact behind the idea, service or product and then spin the story around it.  Want a raise?  Show the facts – how much revenue you’ve generated for the company, how you’ve improved processes, even how you’ve been an exemplary employee – and then spin the story – how the company can show it’s appreciation by giving you a raise.

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