Saturday, January 15, 2011

Because, because, because (or how I got where I am)

Because, because, because.  Not too long ago a friend gave a speech about how things have happened because other things had happened.  It got me to thinking about my own life, and what I realized was that while people throughout my life might have said that I made some poor choices, I am where I am because of those choices.  I would never say that going through a divorce was easy, but I would never have made it to the place I am in now without having gone through divorce.  And I would not have gone through divorce if I had not decided I didn't know what to do with my life so I was going to join the Army.  And I never would have decided to join the Army if I hadn't been dissatisfied with my life.  See?  All those years ago, because I was dissatisfied I ended up in an emotionally and spiritually better place. 

A little story that he told, one that he had in turn heard from somewhere else was along these lines:

In a small village there was a man who owned a horse.  Everyone in the village told him how fortunate he was because he could do so much more farming, thus make more money.  All the man said in reply was "we'll see". Not too long later, the man's son was attempting to ride the horse, when the horse threw him and he broke his leg.  Now the villagers told the  man how sorry they were that he owned the horse since it caused his son such pain.  All the man said was "we'll see".  A week later the army came through the village conscripting all young able-bodied men, but because the son had a broken leg, he was not conscripted.  At this the villagers told him how lucky he was that his son had broken his leg.  All the man said was "we'll see". 

There is more to the story, but you get the gist of it now.  The point is that good or bad it doesn't really matter.  What happens is what happens and will determine the choices that you will have to make down the road.  These choices is what will determine the kind of person you are.  It's not that everything happens for a reason as some people would point out.  Its more that when everything happens, it inevitably leads to other things that can then happen.

Almost 6 months ago I was told that I would become a Software Trainer or I would need to find a new job.  I was devastated because as a Software Trainer I would be required to travel 50 - 75% of every month.  As a single mom with 4 kids, that much travelling is just not feasible, but how would I support the family if I quit?  I didn't know what to do, but after talking to the kids, I thought that I would give it a few months and then see where I was at that time.  It's a good thing that I did wait, because a few months after that my whole department was moved under a different VP.  This one was very interested in having me set up an online training program which I will head up.  This means that I won't have to travel at all!  I really enjoy working with people, talking to them, and helping them to learn the software.  Because of the forced move, I was able to do something that I really enjoy without the negative consequences.

So the next time I want to cry because some terrible thing is happening to me, I can think of the man in the village and tell myself "we'll see". 

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