Friday, January 14, 2011

Thank you

10 years ago I never thought I would be where I am today.  I never thought it would be better or worse, just that it would be.  Life is constantly changing, constantly evolving, and we change right along with it.  10 years ago I only had 2 children and thought I would be married forever.  10 years ago I thought that I would be in my dream job.  10 years ago I didn't understand the pain of losing my dad, going through a divorce, or trying to do a job where my ideas aren't wanted.  But at the same time, 10 years ago I didn't know such wonderful people, I didn't understand the joy that comes with raising small children again. I didn't understand how as children grow, they become more like friends - ones that you can joke with, have fun with, cry with, and that will always understand your weird ideas.  10 years ago I hadn't yet had the experiences that have put me on the path to my dream job.  I didn't understand that through pain comes the joy of being able to help someone else, and of knowing that I can make it on my own and be ok. 

So if you ask me if I would ever want to go back and redo the last 10 years, my answer would be no.  For every pain I have had joy, for every tear I have had laughter, for every experience I have gained wisdom and I wouldn't give any of it up.  I appreciate the past for the experiences it has given me, I look towards the future that I am building for myself, and I simply enjoy the present for never again will this exact moment ever be repeated. 

And because of all of this, I want to thank some of the people I consider my greatest friends.  They accepted me for who I am, and stayed by my side during the roughest moments of my life.  Thank you Rachel, James, Jeff, Wendy, Nick.  Thank you D&S for showing me the power of listening to another person, without question, hesitation, or condemnation.  Thank you Bob, Angela, Tiffany, Mickey, Joe, Bev, Terri, and Donna.  For without you I would still be floundering in the waves.

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