Saturday, January 15, 2011

Line Dancing for Left-footed people

I went to line dancing lessons this afternoon.  I didn't really know what to expect, but I knew enough to know that line dancing is not just country music, but includes everything from oldies to the latest rock.  Needless to say I had a blast tripping over my own feet. For most of the dances, I am suppose to start out with my right foot, but I instinctively keep wanting to lead with my left foot, so then I'm off the rest of the dance and it's almost impossible to get caught up again.  There is something about turning during the steps that just throws me off balance. I can just picture myself falling over in the middle of the dance floor, lol.  What a riot! I think the hardest part was the steps where I was required to cross over my feet.  Ugh! Trying to watch the instructors and at the same time listening to their words - "now to the right, step, step, touch. And back, one, two, three. Now left vine" - it is a lot more work than I thought it would be.  After 30 minutes I was downing water like I just came in from the desert.  

Part of the fun was watching everyone else trying to figure out the steps, although there was one woman there, she was just bouncing all over the place with nary a misstep in sight.   some people are born with happy feet and some of us aren't so lucky.  I can't wait till the next lesson!  I can just hear the instructors now "Tonia, I said left vine, not right trip", lol. Ah the joys of making a fool of oneself - just goes to show how much fun new experiences can be. 

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